Saturday, October 10, 2009

You Know What I hate?

Hypocrites. Especially the kinds that don't even wait like... three minutes before contradicting themselves. I mean, how hard is it to do what you just said? You'd think it'd be easy, but you'd be wrong. Or at least have the balls to admit that they were doing it, but as established, you'd be wrong.

But I'll admit, my views on them are split. It's 60% loathe, and 40% a mix of pity and other emotions that follow pity. Cause obviously, they don't see themselves being hypocritical, so they think they're still in the right. And that's pretty fucking depressing to see. For example, imagine somebody that smokes three packs of cigarettes a day, and goes around insulting smokers. I'm not gonna lie, I always really want to know what their train of thought is. I'd write a really long and insulting fake train of thought, but honest to God, I cannot even pretend to think like they do! I think if I did, it'd hurt my brain so bad and give me a tumor, or my brain would melt and start coming out of my nose and ears. And then there'd be a giant mess of me being dead, and the carpet would be stained with chunky, liquefied brain (which looks like tomato soup with bits of ground beef in it). And that wouldn't be fun to clean up.

Anyway, back onto the topic of hypocrites. It just always hurts my brain when people are so blatantly hypocritical. Hell, you'd think they'd wait at least a day before doing it. It's hard to articulate this next train of thought about hypocrites because I may or may not be talking out of my ass at this point, but the people that are hypocrites about other people? Does that make any sense? If it doesn't I really don't care, cause you know what? It makes sense to me, and that's all that matters at this point. Here, I'll try to enlighten you on my way of thinking on this.

-they insult all the sex that teenagers are having, but directly after insulting that, they go and get laid.
-they insult things that you do, but after they make you feel bad, they do the same thing.
-and general things like that, but really? Those are pretty much the best examples I have, which is kind of depressing.

Okay, maybe insult isn't the right word, but it's the first to come to mind. The better term I guess would be preach about how bad it is or something along those lines, but really? Insult comes to mind when I think of the people that do that.

I understand that my hating hypocrites means that I hate about... 95% of everybody, including myself at points, but hey. At least I'm honest, and I know that doesn't make it right or anything. But I'm honest about it, so that's gotta count a little bit with the God's of Karma, right?

1 comment:

  1. "I'm sure we all agree that we ought to love one another and I know there are people in the world that do not love their fellow human beings and I hate people like that." - Tom Lehrer
